VLF Book “Masquerade”
Masquerade: Schemes of work for art in the primary school
By the Visual Learning Foundation
Judy Cam, Ruth Elia and Trilby Lawlor
The Arts Council of England commissioned masquerade as a new resource for schools to encourage art and design projects about carnival.
The book includes an overview of the history of carnival and explores links between carnivals in England such as the Notting Hill Carnival with African and Caribbean masquerading traditions. It also looks at the development of European carnival tradition, which contributes to the way we celebrate carnival in England today.
Six strong art and design projects by children aged 6 – 11 years are documented in the book. Each stage of the children’s work has clearly written instructions for the teacher and illustrations of the children’s art work in progress. There is a full list of the tools and materials needed for each project. Skills are fully explained.
Included in the back of the book are 19 beautiful coloured plates of artists’ work linked to masquerade and the project ideas. On the back of each plate there is information about the artwork depicted.
Many teachers have undertaken the project ideas in the book with considerable success. Lots of schools we have worked with in London are using the project ideas from “Masquerade” in their regular art and design curriculum.
Teachers Television made a film of one project in action. It is called “Carnival of the Birds” and can now be viewed from the TES website.
Price £35 (includes p&p UK). Email us at book@visuallearningfoundation.org to order your copy.